Lovely Family in the Fall!

Sneak Peak...  Isn't this family lovely. They also gave me hope that my one day my children will be cooperative for photos too! :)  Thanks for being so much fun! I hope you like!  More to come...

Sweet Girl with Beautiful Eyes!

Sneak Peak:
I had the pleasure of taking this Sweet Girl's Pictures! Her Eyes are just as breathtaking in person! So sweet! I hope you enjoy! 

I am new to all of these new media outlets. I sound so old. But, I am working on posting more and doing more previews on this blog or facebook.  So, keep checking back!  Jenn

FREE Session For First October Baby!

Ok, I am REALLY wanting an October Newborn to photograph. As I have said, I love Fall and I love newborns!  Since I haven't received any inquiries about a potential delivery in October, I have decided to give away a Free Session! So, the first person to email me that has a baby delivered/being delivered in October, will get a free session! Feel free to pass this on to anyone you know is pregnant!  

Only rules: newborn must be delivered in October, a model release to be signed so I can add the "October baby" to my portfolio, baby should be photographed by 14 days old (earlier the better), the session should be done in your home, and any prints are purchased at a la carte pricing.

Email to:

Good Luck! And..keep checking here and facebook for free giveaways!

Fall Mini Sessions ~ Cincinnati Family Photographer

It's that time of year. Yes, my absolute favorite time of the year. The kick off to the Holiday Season!!  And, in Cincinnati that begins with Fall!  The absolute best time for family photos. Perfect because of the weather, the scenery and perfect to get ready for those Christmas Cards!!   I also know that this time of the year gets very busy, so I wanted to offer the mini sessions as soon as possible.  Also, consider the mini session if you just want updated family pictures or updated pictures of the kids.  Or, if you are new to the idea of custom photography and you don't want to make the investment of a whole session, try this out! I can almost guarantee you will never look back!

Please email/call me as soon as possible for a booking. Please mention this to your friends and families! Book early before all the time slots are taken!  I only will do mini sessions 2 times a year, so don't miss out!

I hope to see you soon!


Thank you for coming to my new blog! Can't wait to share more things with you!  Hope you visit often. Be sure to go to my facebook link and "like" the business for special offers and promotions.   Jenn
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